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Obituaries » Maggie K. Rackleff

Maggie K. Rackleff

January 4, 1994 - October 7, 2022

Funeral Home Corcoran Funeral Home Inc


Obituary Viewed 1747 times

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It is with the deepest of sadness that we announce the passing of Maggie Katherine Rackleff, 28, on October 7, 2022.

Born on January 4, 1994 on Edwards Air Force Base, California, Maggie was the daughter of Keith (& Angela) Rackleff of Dallas PA and Cheryl MacLean of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.

Surviving in addition to her parents are her sons Cadence and Phoenix Brown, her daughter Daze Rackleff, brother Thomas Rackleff, and sister Elizabeth “Libby” (& Charles) Hammond. Maggie was loved by many uncles, aunts and cousins, in Maine and in Canada, including Cheryl’s twin sister Kate (& Bob) Wilson, her ‘second mom’. Maggie was a graduate of Dallas High School. Maggie was kind-hearted, accepting of others as they were, and a free-spirit; she had many friends.

“At first, addiction is maintained by pleasure, but the intensity of the pleasure gradually diminishes and the addiction is then maintained by the avoidance of pain.” – Frank Tallis

“This is for the ones who are struggling right now. This is for the ones who have been having a rough day or week or even year. The ones who feel like this storm will never end. Keep fighting for YOU. Keep fighting because deep down you hold a tiny voice that knows you were meant for far more than this sadness and pain you are feeling.” -Nikki Banas

Private celebrations of Maggie’s life will be held at the convenience of family members, from Corcoran Funeral Home, Inc., 20 South Main Street, Plains, PA 18705. Our sincere thanks for all of your kind words and wishes.


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20 South Main St.
Plains, PA 18705

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